Saturday 25 February 2012

I want to review technology so bad!

All my internet trolling life I've been visiting site like enadget, gizmondo and wired. I envy the guys who get to write reviews about the very things that interest them. How inspiring and productive must it be to wake up and think "Oh the PS Vita should be in today, I can't wait to play with that".

Obviously there has to be the lows of the job, but the benefits would heavily out weigh these and I personally would if ever given the opportunity value and cherish my position and privilege as a technology or 'Gadget' reviewer.

In the next few days I will be developing a tech blog and if anybody is interested in either contributing or just throwing some suggestions over, I would be more than grateful.  

Peace out guys

P.S. The fox will make sense soon, watch this space....

Thursday 23 February 2012

My Top Gadget

My number one gadget has got to be my phone, i go everywhere with it and would be lost without it. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S2 rooted with a Miui rom. The S2 contains everything for my day, appointments reminders emails and even instant messaging for when im needed urgently. Its also a fantastically powerful phone with a beautiful screen that can rival the iphone if nor surpass it. Now I'm not disrespecting the iPhone at all its also a piece of technical art but my vote will stay with the s2 untill there next itterations.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Hey thank you for taking time to come and read my blog, by day i'm a hard working (Ha!) Desk Jockey. I hide behind a monitor from 7.30am till 5.30pm and manage to get an hour for my lunch. I've just joined twitter (well i say just joined, i've had it for a while but just havent used it) and would love you to follow me.

This is my first blog and i hope to be able to share my thoughts, stories, and events. So why not visit again to check out my updates, thanks!
